This book is about time and the children from all parts of our amazing planet. And what is the time for all of us? It is that special silence when you are sitting next to the window and it seems to you that there is no glass in front of you, so you cannot leave the wet print of your nose by pressing it hard against the window and all the things that are behind this fragile barrier. It is that special silence when everything that takes place around you suddenly stops to matter because you are much higher than the time and space.
This book is intended for primary and secondary school-age children.
Chernov D., The Guardians of Time. Kyiv, Compass Publishing House, 2020, 218 p.
ISBN 978-966-2099-21-8
Cover art design and illustrations by Denis Chernov
© D. Chernov 2020
© D. Chernov, Cover Art, 2020
Чернов, Д. В. «Хранителі часу»
Фантастична повість призначена для дітей молодшого та середнього шкільного віку. Мова видання – англійська.
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